Asumisoikeusasunnot, Manttaalitie 6, Ryynikkä, Keskusta, 37500, Lempäälä
Three-room apartment | 3h+k+s | 62,5 m²
Basic property information
- Address: , 37500 Lempäälä
- Area: Keskusta
- Kaupunginosan tarkenne: Ryynikkä
- Postal code: 37500
- Locality: Lempäälä
- Year of completion: 2021
- Form of housing: Right-of-occupancy
- Type of apartment: 3h+k+s
- Rooms: 3
- Floor area: 62,5 m²
- Net floor area: 62,5 m²
- Floor(s): 4/6
- Lift: Yes
- Private sauna: Yes
- Balcony: Yes, glazed
- Smoking not allowed: Yes
- Pets allowed: Yes
Property information
- Building type: Block of flats
- Number of apartments: 39
- Lift: Stairwell 6 A
- Year of completion: 2021
- Energy class: B2018
- Heating: District heating
- Ventilation: Mechanical inlet/outlet
- Property maintenance: Kotikatu Pirkanmaa
- Parking spaces: 31 number
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