Apartment description
A three-room apartment in a well-kept housing company with a terrace and a balcony facing south. There is space in the kitchen for another refrigerator. In addition to the apartment-specific outdoor storage, there is a spacious storage room on the ground floor of the apartment.
Information about the property where the apartment is located
Vesipirtintie 1/Vuoripirtintie 2 is a right-of-occupancy site made up of 8 terraced apartments located in Tillinmäki. 33 apartments.
Espoonlahti’s versatile services are about 3 km away, e.g. shopping center, sports field, swimming pool, ice rink. There is a daycare center in Tillinmäki and
Saunalahti school is less than a kilometer away. The nearest grocery store is Saunalahti’s S-Market.