Asumisoikeusasunnot, Soukonlahdenkaari 25, Soukonlahti, Turri, 33960, Pirkkala

First application period 10-24 July 2024. Get to know the destination and submit your application within the application period!

When filling out the application, you must select the “New destination” button as active and select “Soukonlahdenkaari 25” as the desired destination.

New right-of-occupancy apartments are coming to the Turri area of Pirkkala in the spring of 2025. A 5-story apartment building will be completed at Soukonlahdenkaari 25, which will have a total of 51 right-of-occupancy apartments.

There is plenty of choice for a wide range of needs in the versatile apartment distribution. 41.5–57 square meter duplexes, 53.5–80.5 square meter triples and 80–86 square meter four-room family apartments will be completed in the building. All apartments have glazed balconies and almost all have their own sauna. In addition, the building will have a laundry and drying room, as well as a club room shared by the residents. There will be 45 parking spaces in the yard, six of which will be equipped with an electric car charger. The yard will also have a play and recreation area shared with the houses to be built next to it.

The energy-efficient house is heated by geothermal energy. There will be solar panels on the roof of the house, which will generate electricity for the property’s use. Residents can monitor their own water consumption using an apartment-specific screen.

There are 45 parking spaces marked on the site and there are 51 apartments. Two parking spaces are disabled parking spaces. During construction, parking spaces will be allocated primarily to larger apartments (45.0m2 – 86.0m2). If residents of larger apartments do not need a parking space, residents of smaller apartments (41.5m2 – 44.0m2) can be given a parking space. After completion, Parking spaces are allocated based on the queue.

Soukonlahdenkaari 25 is located near Lake Pyhäjärvi with good transport links. Tampere’s western ring road runs nearby, and the drive to the center of Tampere only takes about a quarter of an hour. It takes about 10 minutes to drive to Nokia. The nearest bus stop is only a few hundred meters away. The journey to the nearest kindergarten and primary school is a good kilometer. There is also a convenience store about a kilometer away, and more services can be found in the Suupa area, a good two kilometers away.

Apartment selection

Type of apartment number
2h+kt 41.5 — 45 7
2h+kt+s 44 — 57 12
3h+kt+alk+s 71.5 — 80.5 9
3h+kt+rt+s 80 — 80 2
3h+kt+s 53.5 — 71 8
4h+kt+s 80 — 86 13

Note! The information in the brochure is original. Some of the information may have changed.

Basic property information
  • Address: Soukonlahdenkaari 25
  • City/town: Pirkkala
  • District: Turri
  • Kaupunginosan tarkenne: Soukonlahti
  • Apartments: 51
  • Estimated completion: 25.6.2025
  • New property: Yes
  • Energy class: A2018
  • Building type: Block of flats
  • Form of heating: Geothermal heating
  • Form of ventilation: Centralised outlet
  • Lift: Stairwell 25 A, Stairwell 25 B
  • Parking spaces: 45 number. Electric car charging is available in the property. Contact us for more information!
Contact information
Sarianne Leimu 04578817475

Vacant and soon-to-be-vacant apartments in the property

Apartment Floor Status
80,0 1/5 Vacant
83,0 1/5 Vacant
41,5 2/5 Vacant
80,5 2/5 Vacant
57,0 2/5 Vacant
44,0 2/5 Vacant
80,0 4/5 Vacant
71,5 1/5 Vacant
86,0 1/5 Vacant
71,0 2/5 Vacant
52,0 2/5 Vacant
45,0 2/5 Vacant
53,5 2/5 Vacant

Apartments and floor plans

Apartment Floor Building type Floor plan
Two-room apartments
A, 2h+kt 41,5 m² 2/5 Block of flats
A, 2h+kt+s 57,0 m² 2/5 Block of flats
A, 2h+kt+s 44,0 m² 2/5 Block of flats
A, 2h+kt 41,5 m² 3/5 Block of flats
A, 2h+kt+s 57,0 m² 3/5 Block of flats
A, 2h+kt+s 44,0 m² 3/5 Block of flats
A, 2h+kt 41,5 m² 4/5 Block of flats
A, 2h+kt+s 57,0 m² 4/5 Block of flats
A, 2h+kt+s 44,0 m² 4/5 Block of flats
A, 2h+kt+s 57,0 m² 5/5 Block of flats
A, 2h+kt+s 44,0 m² 5/5 Block of flats
B, 2h+kt+s 52,0 m² 2/5 Block of flats
B, 2h+kt 45,0 m² 2/5 Block of flats
B, 2h+kt+s 52,0 m² 3/5 Block of flats
B, 2h+kt 45,0 m² 3/5 Block of flats
B, 2h+kt+s 52,0 m² 4/5 Block of flats
B, 2h+kt 45,0 m² 4/5 Block of flats
B, 2h+kt+s 52,0 m² 5/5 Block of flats
B, 2h+kt 45,0 m² 5/5 Block of flats
Three-room apartments
A, 3h+kt+alk+s 80,5 m² 2/5 Block of flats
A, 3h+kt+alk+s 80,5 m² 3/5 Block of flats
A, 3h+kt+alk+s 80,5 m² 4/5 Block of flats
A, 3h+kt+rt+s 80,0 m² 4/5 Block of flats
A, 3h+kt+alk+s 80,5 m² 5/5 Block of flats
A, 3h+kt+rt+s 80,0 m² 5/5 Block of flats
B, 3h+kt+alk+s 71,5 m² 1/5 Block of flats
B, 3h+kt+s 71,0 m² 2/5 Block of flats
B, 3h+kt+alk+s 71,5 m² 2/5 Block of flats
B, 3h+kt+s 53,5 m² 2/5 Block of flats
B, 3h+kt+s 71,0 m² 3/5 Block of flats
B, 3h+kt+alk+s 71,5 m² 3/5 Block of flats
B, 3h+kt+s 53,5 m² 3/5 Block of flats
B, 3h+kt+s 71,0 m² 4/5 Block of flats
B, 3h+kt+s 71,0 m² 5/5 Block of flats
B, 3h+kt+alk+s 71,5 m² 4/5 Block of flats
B, 3h+kt+s 53,5 m² 5/5 Block of flats
B, 3h+kt+s 53,5 m² 4/5 Block of flats
B, 3h+kt+alk+s 71,5 m² 5/5 Block of flats
Four-room apartments
A, 4h+kt+s 80,0 m² 1/5 Block of flats
A, 4h+kt+s 83,0 m² 1/5 Block of flats
A, 4h+kt+s 80,0 m² 2/5 Block of flats
A, 4h+kt+s 83,0 m² 2/5 Block of flats
A, 4h+kt+s 80,0 m² 3/5 Block of flats
A, 4h+kt+s 83,0 m² 3/5 Block of flats
A, 4h+kt+s 83,0 m² 4/5 Block of flats
A, 4h+kt+s 83,0 m² 5/5 Block of flats
B, 4h+kt+s 86,0 m² 1/5 Block of flats
B, 4h+kt+s 86,0 m² 2/5 Block of flats
B, 4h+kt+s 86,0 m² 3/5 Block of flats
B, 4h+kt+s 86,0 m² 5/5 Block of flats
B, 4h+kt+s 86,0 m² 4/5 Block of flats

Tupakointi on kiellettyä kaikissa asunnoissamme ja talojen yhteisissä tiloissa kuten rappukäytävissä sekä sauna- ja varastotiloissa.

Vuodesta 2019 lähtien tehdyissä uusissa asumisoikeussopimuksissa ja vuodesta 2020 tehdyissä vuokrasopimuksissa asukas on sitoutunut olemaan tupakoimatta kiinteistön alueella mahdollista erikseen osoitettua tupakointipaikkaa lukuun ottamatta. Uudiskohteissa savuttomuusehto on otettu käyttöön jo aiemmin.

Osa kiinteistöistämme on kokonaan savuttomia. Savuttomuus tarkoittaa sitä, että tupakointi on kiellettyä kiinteistössä, sen asunnoissa, parvekkeilla, piha-alueilla ja yhteisissä tiloissa.

Jätä meille asuntohakemus

Täyttämällä asuntohakemuksen voit hakea sekä vapaisiin ja vapautuviin asuntoihin että varattuihin asumisoikeuskohteisiin. Saat asuntotarjouksen heti kun voimme tarjota toiveitasi vastaavaa asuntoa. Mikäli sinulla on kysyttävää, otathan yhteyttä asunnon tai kohteen myyntineuvottelijaan.

Tutustu asuntoon ennen päätöstä

Voit tutustua asuntoon ensin ja päättää vasta sitten, haluatko tehdä kanssamme asumisoikeussopimuksen. Mikäli olet hyväksynyt asuntotarjouksen, pyrimme järjestämään sinulle mahdollisuuden tutustua asuntoon jo tarjouskierroksen aikana. Järjestämme jonkin verran myös yleisiä näyttöjä vapaissa asunnoissamme. Uudiskohteissa ei valitettavasti voi järjestää vastaavanlaisesti näyttöjä kuin jo valmistuneissa kohteissa.