Right-of-occupancy apartment, Aasianpiha 3, Hervanta, Tampere

Three-room apartment | 3h+kt+s | 73,5 m²

Apartment description

A good and functional triangle with its own sauna. The cape-like kitchen, dining room and living room are an open, unified space. The master bedroom has a spacious walk-in closet. The apartments are located on floors 2-5 (top). Housing right fee 42,682 – 44,855 and consideration 1003 – 1055 €/month. There is a constant search for vacant apartments.

Information about the property where the apartment is located

A condominium apartment building is under construction in the new and central area of Tampere’s Hervantaa. The building has 1-5/6 floors and 32 apartments. Estimated completion is June 2025. There are apartments from two-bedroom apartments to spacious family apartments. The material choices for the apartments are stylish and suit many tastes. The floors have laminates and the washrooms are tiled and have underfloor heating. The kitchens have laminate worktops and tiled intermediate spaces. The windows and window doors have blinds. These homes (with the exception of one two-room apartment) have their own sauna and all have a glazed balcony with a pleasant balcony mat. The balconies face west. Some of the apartments have a spacious wardrobe, and some apartments even have two wardrobes. Each apartment has its own warm movable storage and the house has good common spaces. Residents have access to a drying room, a laundry room, and a multipurpose room, as well as a combined stroller and outdoor equipment storage in the service area. In the inner courtyard there is a sheltered play area shared by the block. Underneath the building is the area’s shared parking garage, from which 14 unnamed parking rights have been reserved for TA. Parking rental rights are primarily reserved for larger apartments (73.5 – 83.0 m2).

Hervanta is the choice of a city dweller who appreciates versatile suburban living. There are good services nearby, excellent transport links and great outdoor areas. The apartments will be completed in the new area between Hervanna valtaväylä and Insinöörinkatu. The exceptionally good services of Hervanna can be found within a radius of about a kilometer, such as the local store and shopping center Duo, daycare center and schools, library and health services. There are a variety of hobby and sports services, in Hervanna you can find, for example, swimming pool and tennis hall, gyms, ice rink and artificial ice rink and rink. Almost from your doorstep, you can take a trolley to the green camping and nature reserve of Lake Hervantajärvi or to the beach in a few minutes. In the other direction, you can get to the center of Tampere in about 20 minutes. The general value added tax rate will rise from 24 percent to 25.5 percent starting on September 1, 2024. In a government-subsidized right-of-occupancy building, a maximum of 15 percent of the construction or acquisition costs (purchase value) approved by the Housing Finance and Development Center can be collected as right-of-occupancy fees. The Housing Finance and Development Center has approved the construction costs of the site with a tax rate of 24 percent. If the construction costs of the right-of-occupancy project increase due to an increase in the value-added tax rate, the right-of-occupancy fees may have to be revised, however less than 1.5%. Possible revisions of right-of-occupancy fees will be made after the object is completed. Holders of the right of residence will be informed in writing about the revision of right-of-occupancy fees.

Iris Kaleva 04577343841 iris.kaleva@ta.fi
Basic property information
  • Address: Aasianpiha 3, Tampere
  • Area: Hervanta
  • Locality: Tampere
  • Estimated completion: 30.6.2025
  • Form of housing: Right-of-occupancy
  • Selection criteria: Varallisuusrajat alle 55-vuotiaille
  • Type of apartment: 3h+kt+s
  • Rooms: 3
  • Floor area: 73,5 m²
  • Net floor area: 73,5 m²
  • Floor(s): 2/6
  • Lift: Yes
  • Private sauna: Yes
  • Balcony: Yes, glazed
  • Smoking not allowed: Yes
  • Pets allowed: Yes
Contract and payments
  • Maintenance charge: 1 003,26 EUR/month
  • Preliminary right-of-occupancy fee: 42 682,56 €
  • Security deposit: 2 006,52 €
  • Water fee: Advance 25,00 EUR/person/month, balance invoicing by consumption
Property information
  • Building type: Block of flats
  • Number of apartments: 32
  • Lift: Stairwell 3 A
  • Estimated completion: 30.6.2025
  • New property: Yes
  • Energy class: B2018
  • Heating: District heating
  • Ventilation: Centralised inlet/outlet

Other vacant and soon-to-be-vacant apartments

Apartment Floor Status
81,5 1/6 Vacant
60,0 2/6 Vacant
73,5 2/6 Vacant
64,0 1/6 Vacant
51,0 1/6 Vacant
83,0 2/6 Vacant

Tupakointi on kiellettyä kaikissa asunnoissamme ja talojen yhteisissä tiloissa kuten rappukäytävissä sekä sauna- ja varastotiloissa.

Vuodesta 2019 lähtien tehdyissä uusissa asumisoikeussopimuksissa ja vuodesta 2020 tehdyissä vuokrasopimuksissa asukas on sitoutunut olemaan tupakoimatta kiinteistön alueella mahdollista erikseen osoitettua tupakointipaikkaa lukuun ottamatta. Uudiskohteissa savuttomuusehto on otettu käyttöön jo aiemmin.

Osa kiinteistöistämme on kokonaan savuttomia. Savuttomuus tarkoittaa sitä, että tupakointi on kiellettyä kiinteistössä, sen asunnoissa, parvekkeilla, piha-alueilla ja yhteisissä tiloissa.

Jätä meille asuntohakemus

Täyttämällä asuntohakemuksen voit hakea sekä vapaisiin ja vapautuviin asuntoihin että varattuihin asumisoikeuskohteisiin. Saat asuntotarjouksen heti kun voimme tarjota toiveitasi vastaavaa asuntoa. Mikäli sinulla on kysyttävää, otathan yhteyttä asunnon tai kohteen myyntineuvottelijaan.

Tutustu asuntoon ennen päätöstä

Voit tutustua asuntoon ensin ja päättää vasta sitten, haluatko tehdä kanssamme asumisoikeussopimuksen. Mikäli olet hyväksynyt asuntotarjouksen, pyrimme järjestämään sinulle mahdollisuuden tutustua asuntoon jo tarjouskierroksen aikana. Järjestämme jonkin verran myös yleisiä näyttöjä vapaissa asunnoissamme. Uudiskohteissa ei valitettavasti voi järjestää vastaavanlaisesti näyttöjä kuin jo valmistuneissa kohteissa.