Kalasatamankatu 29, Kalasatama, Sörnäinen, Helsinki

Two-room apartment | 2h+kt | 47,5 m²

Apartment description

A fourth-floor one-bedroom apartment that is suitable for both singles and couples. The views of the apartment open to the southeast of the street. The apartment has a glazed balcony. NOTE When filling out the application, select the new destination button and mark Kalasatamankatu 29 as the desired destination, so that the search is targeted correctly.

Information about the property where the apartment is located

New right-of-occupancy apartments are under construction in Helsinki’s Kalasatama, in the northern part of Verkkosaari. Kalasatamankatu 29 consists of two 7-story apartment buildings with a total of 66 right-of-occupancy apartments. The houses will have housing options for different life situations, both for those living alone or in pairs or for larger families. The apartments are studios, two-room apartments, three-room apartments and four-room apartments.

The site is under construction and the estimated completion date is 3/2025

All apartments have either a balcony or a terrace. The balconies are located on the street side and are glazed. The apartments on the top floor have their own terraces, which also face the street.

Versatile common spaces will be ready for residents to use, such as laundry and drying rooms, as well as storage for outdoor equipment. A multi-purpose room and indoor sauna with terraces and wonderful views will be completed on the 7th floor. Each apartment has its own movable storage. A large courtyard area and a separate recycling room will be completed for shared use of the block.

Under the patio deck is the block’s common garage, which has barrier-free access from the stairwells. Ample storage space for bicycles is being prepared indoors. Some of the parking spaces have the possibility to charge an electric car.

Solar panels will be installed on the water roof, which will be implemented as a green roof, with the help of which the electricity needs of the site’s energy-efficient cooling/floor cooling will be produced. The site has received green funding from Municipal Finance. Municipal finance grants green financing to projects that produce clear and measurable positive environmental effects.

Kalasatama offers a great setting for urban living in the vicinity of the sea and nature, a few kilometers from the core center. Shopping center Redi with its versatile services and the metro station are quickly accessible, and public transport by metro and bus works well in many directions. It is also easy to get around by bike and on foot. There is a primary school and a daycare center in the area. You can reach the adjacent Mustikkamaa recreation area via the Grandfather Bridge, which offers wonderful nature trails, jogging landscapes and swimming beaches to the residents of the area.

Services in the Kalasatama area are constantly being developed as the area is completed and the number of residents increases. Read more about the construction and services of the Kalasatama area at https://www.hel.fi/fi/kaupunkiymparisto-ja-liikenne/kaupunkisuunnentilti-ja-rakentaminen/uutta-helsinkia-rakentamassa/kalasatama.

The estimated completion date of the right-of-occupancy apartments at Kalasatamankatu 29 is March 2025. Contracts for the first round of tenders are currently being signed. At the beginning of June, a new bidding round will be held. The search for the destination is open continuously.

You can find the price list of the destination at the link: https://ta.fi/uudiskohdenekelto/kalasatamankatu-29-hinnasto/

Joyce Eboreime 0409222868 joyce.eboreime@ta.fi
Basic property information
  • Address: Kalasatamankatu 29, Helsinki
  • Area: Sörnäinen
  • Kaupunginosan tarkenne: Kalasatama
  • Locality: Helsinki
  • Estimated completion: 31.3.2025
  • Form of housing: Right-of-occupancy
  • Selection criteria: Varallisuusrajat alle 55-vuotiaille
  • Type of apartment: 2h+kt
  • Rooms: 2
  • Floor area: 47,5 m²
  • Net floor area: 47,5 m²
  • Floor(s): 4/7
  • Lift: Yes
  • Balcony: Yes, glazed
  • Smoking not allowed: Yes
  • Pets allowed: Yes
Contract and payments
  • Maintenance charge: 918,17 EUR/month
  • Preliminary right-of-occupancy fee: 39 166,76 €
  • Security deposit: 1 836,34 €
  • Water fee: Advance 19,50 EUR/person/month, balance invoicing by consumption
Property information
  • Building type: Block of flats
  • Number of apartments: 66
  • Lift: Stairwell 29 A, Stairwell 29 B, Stairwell 29 C
  • Estimated completion: 31.3.2025
  • New property: Yes
  • Energy class: A2018
  • Heating: District heating
  • Ventilation: Centralised inlet/outlet
  • Parking spaces: 38 number. Electric car charging is available in the property. Contact us for more information!

Other vacant and soon-to-be-vacant apartments

Apartment Floor Status
38,0 2/7 Vacant
68,0 2/7 Vacant
72,5 3/7 Vacant
35,0 3/7 Vacant
80,5 2/7 Vacant
83,0 3/7 Vacant
80,5 3/7 Vacant
83,0 4/7 Vacant
47,5 4/7 Vacant
80,5 4/7 Vacant
80,5 5/7 Vacant
80,5 6/7 Vacant
49,5 2/7 Vacant

Tupakointi on kiellettyä kaikissa asunnoissamme ja talojen yhteisissä tiloissa kuten rappukäytävissä sekä sauna- ja varastotiloissa.

Vuodesta 2019 lähtien tehdyissä uusissa asumisoikeussopimuksissa ja vuodesta 2020 tehdyissä vuokrasopimuksissa asukas on sitoutunut olemaan tupakoimatta kiinteistön alueella mahdollista erikseen osoitettua tupakointipaikkaa lukuun ottamatta. Uudiskohteissa savuttomuusehto on otettu käyttöön jo aiemmin.

Osa kiinteistöistämme on kokonaan savuttomia. Savuttomuus tarkoittaa sitä, että tupakointi on kiellettyä kiinteistössä, sen asunnoissa, parvekkeilla, piha-alueilla ja yhteisissä tiloissa.

Jätä meille asuntohakemus

Täyttämällä asuntohakemuksen voit hakea sekä vapaisiin ja vapautuviin asuntoihin että varattuihin asumisoikeuskohteisiin. Saat asuntotarjouksen heti kun voimme tarjota toiveitasi vastaavaa asuntoa. Mikäli sinulla on kysyttävää, otathan yhteyttä asunnon tai kohteen myyntineuvottelijaan.

Tutustu asuntoon ennen päätöstä

Voit tutustua asuntoon ensin ja päättää vasta sitten, haluatko tehdä kanssamme asumisoikeussopimuksen. Mikäli olet hyväksynyt asuntotarjouksen, pyrimme järjestämään sinulle mahdollisuuden tutustua asuntoon jo tarjouskierroksen aikana. Järjestämme jonkin verran myös yleisiä näyttöjä vapaissa asunnoissamme. Uudiskohteissa ei valitettavasti voi järjestää vastaavanlaisesti näyttöjä kuin jo valmistuneissa kohteissa.