How to apply for a right-of-occupancy waiting number

Before you can apply for right-of-occupancy housing, you need a right-of-occupancy waiting number. Applying for the number is a quick and easy process. You can apply for the number electronically or using a paper form. The waiting number is nationwide and can be used to apply for right-of-occupancy housing anywhere in Finland.

Applications for right-of-occupancy waiting numbers are submitted to ARA

Right-of-occupancy waiting numbers can be applied for via the waiting number service of Housing Finance and Development Centre of Finland (ARA).

You can apply for a waiting number from ARA in two ways

1. Apply electronically

  • Sign in to the service via the identification service e.g. with your online banking credentials
  • Fill in the application
  • Pay the fee (EUR 9.20)

2. Apply with a printed form

  • Print out the downloadable form in the ARA online service or pick up a form at a service point of the state, municipality or right-of-occupancy organisation.
  • Deliver the application and payment receipt for the number application to ARA by post.
  • You will receive the waiting number by post when ARA has processed your application.

Once you have gained the waiting number, you can start applying for a right-of-occupancy apartment!

Things you should know about waiting numbers

As of 1 January 2024, an ARA waiting number has been required whenever applying for right-of-occupancy housing. Before this, waiting numbers granted by municipalities were also used.

Waiting number

Valid nationwide

Subject to a fee, EUR 9.20

Valid for two years

The applying person or family, if the family is applying for an apartment together, may only have one valid number at any time

Frequently asked questions about waiting numbers

Can I have more than one valid waiting number?

No. The new Right-of-Occupancy Housing Act states that any individual applicant or applicant family may have only one number valid at any time.

Can I apply for an apartment in any city with a waiting number issued by ARA?

Yes, you can apply for an apartment anywhere in Finland with a waiting number issued by ARA.

How long is the waiting number valid for?

The waiting number is valid for two years.

Is applying for a waiting number subject to a fee?

Yes. Applying for a waiting number from ARA costs EUR 9.20.

I do not have any online banking credentials. How can I apply for a waiting number from ARA?

You can submit a printed form to apply for a waiting number by printing out the form from ARA’s online service and mailing it to ARA along with the payment receipt for the application. If it is not possible for you to print out the form, you can pick it up at any service point of the state, municipality or right-of-occupancy organisation.

Sivu päivitetty viimeksi: 11.7.2024