A five-story apartment building is under construction in the Savulahti area of Palokka, Jyväskylä. Located at Virvelikatu 5, the building will feature a total of 20 right-of-occupancy apartments with saunas. There will be a variety of housing options to suit different life stages, from singles to small and large families. The apartments range from one-bedroom to four-bedroom units, with one larger five-bedroom apartment available.
Apartment types at Virvelikatu 5:
2 rooms + kitchen + sauna, 48.5 m², 2 units
3 rooms + kitchen + sauna, 59-69.0 m², 13 units
4 rooms + kitchen + sauna, 79-89 m², 4 units
5 rooms + kitchen + sauna, 99.5 m², 1 unit
The ground-floor apartments feature a glazed terrace and a small private yard. All other apartments have glazed balconies. Most of the balconies face west, with a few facing east.
The building’s first floor houses a shelter, storage rooms for personal belongings and strollers, as well as a drying room. Additionally, residents will have access to individual cold storage rooms for outdoor equipment.
The estimated completion date is autumn 2024.
Maiju Kokkonen
045 7734 3805
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