Forms of housing for different life situations

We offer various forms of housing from which you can select the alternative that suits your life situation the best. You can select from right-of-occupancy housing, rental apartments, owner-occupied housing or, if you are over 55, housing units for seniors. We own and build blocks of flats, terraced houses, low-rise buildings, deck access blocks, semi-detached houses and single-family houses to provide you with a wide variety of options!

TAn asumisoikeusasunto digistailattuna retrohenkisellä kalustuksella.

Right-of-occupancy is safe

Right-of-occupancy housing is a form of housing that falls somewhere between rental housing and owner-occupied housing where you make a right-of-occupancy agreement with the owner of the apartment. You can live in the apartment for as long as you want. In a right-of-occupancy apartment, you live as carefree as a tenant and as safe as an owner.

Living in a rental apartment is easy

Living in a rental apartment is an easy and flexible form of housing. In most cases, you can get a rental apartment very quickly and rental contracts valid until further notice can be terminated with a notice period of one month. This form of housing is flexible and it is particularly useful if you do not want or cannot get a home loan.

TAn hymyilevä vuokra-asukas istuu muuttolaatikoiden keskellä.

Vacant and soon-to-be-vacant rental apartments by location

Senioriasukas kutoo istuen asunnon sohvalla.

A senior apartment makes daily life easier

Senior apartments are normal right-of-occupancy and rental apartments that are designed and built with the special needs of the residents in mind. You can apply for an apartment in a senior housing unit if you are over 55 years of age.

Commitment to owner-occupied housing

Owner-occupied housing is a form of housing that people usually are committed to for a longer period of time. The costs of an owner-occupied apartment are affected by the current interest rates, the apartment’s maintenance and repair needs and heating costs.

TAn omistusasunnon makuuhuone kattoikkunalla.

Become the first resident in a new property

Every year, we construct new right-of-occupancy, rental and owner-occupied apartments in different areas of Finland. Our new properties are built in developing residential areas. In a new property, you get to enjoy the perks of a completely new home, such as shining, brand-new surfaces.

Sivu päivitetty viimeksi: 15.7.2024