Asumisoikeusasunnot, Keltasafiirinpolku 6, Kivistö, 01700, Vantaa

Comfortable right-of-occupancy apartments completed at the end of September 2018 in the developing Kivistö, near the train station. The six-story apartment building at Keltasafiirinpolku 6 has 77 apartments, which are 46.5-86 m² in size.

The apartments have modern and neutral surface materials, which serve as a good basis for a wide variety of interior design. The apartments on the first floor have terraces and the other apartments have glazed balconies, except for one apartment with a French balcony. Some of the apartments are corner apartments with windows in two directions. Venetian blinds increase living comfort. You can go to the sauna when it suits you, because all apartments have their own saunas.

Kivistö is well suited for people of all ages who value modern high-rise living and functional transport connections. Children, young people, adults as well as the elderly enjoy being close to services and nature in Kivisto. The location along the Ring Road, near major traffic routes, makes it easier to get to work and hobbies. By train, you can conveniently reach, for example, the center of Helsinki, Tikkurila, as well as the airport. The train journey to the airport takes less than ten minutes, to Tikkurila in about quarter of an hour and to the center of Helsinki in about half an hour.

A short walk away is the Aurinkokivi service center, which has an elementary school, a daycare center, a counseling center, a music college and a visual arts school. In the future, the service center will be supplemented with middle school classes. There are also several other daycare centers and another elementary school in the area. The nearest grocery store is a short walk away. The services in the area have also expanded after the completion of the Kivistö shopping center.

Also inquire about the possibility of renting for €880/month.

This right-of-occupancy apartment has a rental option when there are no right-of-occupancy applicants.

If you rent this right-of-occupancy apartment, the lease can be concluded for a fixed period of up to two years. Despite the fixed term, the tenant has the right to terminate the lease with a three-month notice period. If there is no demand for the apartment as a right-of-occupancy apartment at the end of the two-year fixed-term lease, the lease can be extended.

Apartment selection

Type of apartment number
2h+kt+s 46.5 — 55.5 44
3h+kt+s 59.5 — 71.5 23
4h+kt+s 83 — 86 10

Note! The information in the brochure is original. Some of the information may have changed.

Basic property information
  • Address: Keltasafiirinpolku 6
  • City/town: Vantaa
  • District: Kivistö
  • Kaupunginosan tarkenne:
  • Apartments: 77
  • Year of completion: 2018
  • Energy class:
  • Building type: Block of flats
  • Form of heating: District heating
  • Form of ventilation: Mechanical inlet/outlet
  • Lift: Stairwell 6 C, Stairwell 6 B, Stairwell 6 A
  • Parking spaces: 64 number. Electric car charging is available in the property. Contact us for more information!
Contact information
Reetta Phan +3584578207777
Marika Rautio 0409220754
Property manager
Mauri Leinonen 0409222467
Property secretarys
Kirsi Jaatinen 0409222403
Mirja Huusko 0409222767
Maintenance company
Kotikatu Länsi-Vantaa +358102708360

Vacant and soon-to-be-vacant apartments in the property

Apartment Floor Status
49,0 5/6 Vacant
48,0 3/6 Vacant
49,0 4/6 Vacant
67,0 2/6 Vacant
53,5 4/6 Vacant
53,0 3/6 Vacant
53,0 5/6 To be vacant
46,5 4/6 To be vacant
49,0 4/6 To be vacant
55,5 3/6 To be vacant

Apartments and floor plans

Apartment Floor Building type Floor plan
Two-room apartments
C, 2h+kt+s 49,0 m² 5/6 Block of flats
C, 2h+kt+s 46,5 m² 6/6 Block of flats
C, 2h+kt+s 46,5 m² 4/6 Block of flats
C, 2h+kt+s 49,0 m² 3/6 Block of flats
C, 2h+kt+s 48,0 m² 3/6 Block of flats
C, 2h+kt+s 46,5 m² 2/6 Block of flats
C, 2h+kt+s 49,0 m² 6/6 Block of flats
C, 2h+kt+s 48,0 m² 6/6 Block of flats
C, 2h+kt+s 46,5 m² 5/6 Block of flats
C, 2h+kt+s 48,0 m² 5/6 Block of flats
C, 2h+kt+s 49,0 m² 4/6 Block of flats
C, 2h+kt+s 48,0 m² 4/6 Block of flats
C, 2h+kt+s 46,5 m² 3/6 Block of flats
C, 2h+kt+s 49,0 m² 2/6 Block of flats
B, 2h+kt+s 53,0 m² 6/6 Block of flats
B, 2h+kt+s 53,0 m² 5/6 Block of flats
B, 2h+kt+s 53,5 m² 6/6 Block of flats
B, 2h+kt+s 55,5 m² 4/6 Block of flats
B, 2h+kt+s 53,5 m² 3/6 Block of flats
B, 2h+kt+s 55,5 m² 6/6 Block of flats
B, 2h+kt+s 55,5 m² 1/6 Block of flats
B, 2h+kt+s 53,5 m² 2/6 Block of flats
B, 2h+kt+s 53,5 m² 5/6 Block of flats
B, 2h+kt+s 55,5 m² 5/6 Block of flats
B, 2h+kt+s 55,5 m² 3/6 Block of flats
B, 2h+kt+s 53,5 m² 4/6 Block of flats
B, 2h+kt+s 53,0 m² 4/6 Block of flats
B, 2h+kt+s 55,5 m² 2/6 Block of flats
B, 2h+kt+s 53,0 m² 3/6 Block of flats
A, 2h+kt+s 49,0 m² 6/6 Block of flats
A, 2h+kt+s 46,5 m² 6/6 Block of flats
A, 2h+kt+s 48,0 m² 5/6 Block of flats
A, 2h+kt+s 49,0 m² 5/6 Block of flats
A, 2h+kt+s 46,5 m² 5/6 Block of flats
A, 2h+kt+s 48,0 m² 6/6 Block of flats
A, 2h+kt+s 48,0 m² 4/6 Block of flats
A, 2h+kt+s 49,0 m² 4/6 Block of flats
A, 2h+kt+s 46,5 m² 4/6 Block of flats
A, 2h+kt+s 48,0 m² 3/6 Block of flats
A, 2h+kt+s 49,0 m² 3/6 Block of flats
A, 2h+kt+s 46,5 m² 3/6 Block of flats
A, 2h+kt+s 48,0 m² 2/6 Block of flats
A, 2h+kt+s 49,0 m² 2/6 Block of flats
A, 2h+kt+s 46,5 m² 2/6 Block of flats
Three-room apartments
C, 3h+kt+s 62,0 m² 6/6 Block of flats
C, 3h+kt+s 62,0 m² 3/6 Block of flats
C, 3h+kt+s 66,5 m² 4/6 Block of flats
C, 3h+kt+s 62,0 m² 2/6 Block of flats
C, 3h+kt+s 59,5 m² 1/6 Block of flats
C, 3h+kt+s 66,5 m² 6/6 Block of flats
C, 3h+kt+s 66,5 m² 5/6 Block of flats
C, 3h+kt+s 62,0 m² 5/6 Block of flats
C, 3h+kt+s 62,0 m² 4/6 Block of flats
C, 3h+kt+s 67,0 m² 2/6 Block of flats
C, 3h+kt+s 66,5 m² 3/6 Block of flats
A, 3h+kt+s 66,5 m² 5/6 Block of flats
A, 3h+kt+s 62,0 m² 4/6 Block of flats
A, 3h+kt+s 66,5 m² 2/6 Block of flats
A, 3h+kt+s 71,5 m² 1/6 Block of flats
A, 3h+kt+s 62,0 m² 6/6 Block of flats
A, 3h+kt+s 66,5 m² 6/6 Block of flats
A, 3h+kt+s 66,5 m² 4/6 Block of flats
A, 3h+kt+s 62,0 m² 5/6 Block of flats
A, 3h+kt+s 62,0 m² 3/6 Block of flats
A, 3h+kt+s 66,5 m² 3/6 Block of flats
A, 3h+kt+s 59,5 m² 1/6 Block of flats
A, 3h+kt+s 62,0 m² 2/6 Block of flats
Four-room apartments
B, 4h+kt+s 85,0 m² 6/6 Block of flats
B, 4h+kt+s 83,0 m² 6/6 Block of flats
B, 4h+kt+s 85,0 m² 4/6 Block of flats
B, 4h+kt+s 85,0 m² 3/6 Block of flats
B, 4h+kt+s 83,0 m² 3/6 Block of flats
B, 4h+kt+s 85,0 m² 5/6 Block of flats
B, 4h+kt+s 83,0 m² 5/6 Block of flats
B, 4h+kt+s 83,0 m² 4/6 Block of flats
B, 4h+kt+s 83,5 m² 2/6 Block of flats
B, 4h+kt+s 86,0 m² 2/6 Block of flats

Tupakointi on kiellettyä kaikissa asunnoissamme ja talojen yhteisissä tiloissa kuten rappukäytävissä sekä sauna- ja varastotiloissa.

Vuodesta 2019 lähtien tehdyissä uusissa asumisoikeussopimuksissa ja vuodesta 2020 tehdyissä vuokrasopimuksissa asukas on sitoutunut olemaan tupakoimatta kiinteistön alueella mahdollista erikseen osoitettua tupakointipaikkaa lukuun ottamatta. Uudiskohteissa savuttomuusehto on otettu käyttöön jo aiemmin.

Osa kiinteistöistämme on kokonaan savuttomia. Savuttomuus tarkoittaa sitä, että tupakointi on kiellettyä kiinteistössä, sen asunnoissa, parvekkeilla, piha-alueilla ja yhteisissä tiloissa.

Jätä meille asuntohakemus

Täyttämällä asuntohakemuksen voit hakea sekä vapaisiin ja vapautuviin asuntoihin että varattuihin asumisoikeuskohteisiin. Saat asuntotarjouksen heti kun voimme tarjota toiveitasi vastaavaa asuntoa. Mikäli sinulla on kysyttävää, otathan yhteyttä asunnon tai kohteen myyntineuvottelijaan.

Tutustu asuntoon ennen päätöstä

Voit tutustua asuntoon ensin ja päättää vasta sitten, haluatko tehdä kanssamme asumisoikeussopimuksen. Mikäli olet hyväksynyt asuntotarjouksen, pyrimme järjestämään sinulle mahdollisuuden tutustua asuntoon jo tarjouskierroksen aikana. Järjestämme jonkin verran myös yleisiä näyttöjä vapaissa asunnoissamme. Uudiskohteissa ei valitettavasti voi järjestää vastaavanlaisesti näyttöjä kuin jo valmistuneissa kohteissa.