Right-of-occupancy apartment swapping marketplace

Our residents can indicate their willingness to swap right-of-occupancy apartments with another resident at the right-of-occupancy apartment swapping marketplace. Browse the listings of others or submit your own.

Via the marketplace, you can indicate your willingness to swap right-of-occupancy homes or look for a suitable swapping partner from submitted listings.

Listings can be submitted by the residents of all right-of-occupancy apartments. The listing will be displayed for three months on our website, after which it will be automatically removed.

When you find a suitable partner to swap apartments with, you need to agree on practical matters with a sales representative. Learn more below.

Browse listings

Do I need a waiting number when moving into a new right-of-occupancy apartment?

The two scenarios below are so-called prioritised swaps, in which a new waiting number is not required. In any other circumstances, an unused waiting number is required.

  1. Right-of-occupancy holders who are swapping right-of-occupancy apartments between themselves do not need waiting numbers.
  2. If you are interested in an apartment at your current property that is about to become vacant, you can apply for it without a waiting number and you will be prioritised in the resident selection process. If there are multiple applicants from the same property, the matter is resolved based on the applications; the applicant whose right-of-occupancy agreement has been valid for the longest time will be offered the apartment first. If the agreements have been signed on the same day, the priority is resolved based on the serial number of the agreement.

In other words, if you are moving to a building owned by another organisation or another location of the same owner, you need an unused waiting number. Apply for a waiting number here.

What should I do when I find a partner to swap apartments with?

  1. Contact the sales representative of your property. See the contact information below.
  2. The sales representative will provide you with an apartment swap form to be filled in.
  3. If you have pledged the right-of-occupancy agreement as collateral for a bank loan, please contact your bank before signing the new right-of-occupancy agreement and ensure that the swap is acceptable to the bank.
  4. Agree on the date of moving and exchange of keys with the swapping partner.
  5. Agree on the moving inspection with the property manager.
  6. Both parties need to sign a new right-of-occupancy agreement before moving.
  7. The right-of-occupancy fee and the security deposit will be transferred to the new agreement. The difference will be returned to the person moving into the less expensive apartment. The person moving into the more expensive apartment will be provided with invoices that need to be paid before the apartment swap.

For more information and detailed instructions on swapping apartments, contact the sales representative of your property.

Sivu päivitetty viimeksi: 15.7.2024